

Eva-Maria Fenz

Eva Fenz is an artist, painter, paper and print maker, book-illustrator and Zinester (zine-maker) based in Austria.

Since 2018, she has been working as an independent artist with a focus on traditional painting – particularly portrait painting – and specializes in paper- and print-making. Fenz also manufactures paper, binds books and occasionally works as a commission painter and artist for individual orders.

In 2019, she self-published two zines featuring her works and stories. Her zine "Gemüsebedarf" is translated in both English and German and includes short stories and watercolor works related to food.

In 2022, Fenz' portrait of Franz Schuh was featured as the Frontispiece for "Franz Schuh- Vom Guten, Wahren und Schlechten" (Sonderzahl) and her illustrations were also published in "Schönheit, Ambition und Einsamkeit".

In 2023 - during a two year sick-leave - she selfpublished a new Zine titled "Byte-sized Bits of Bot-itude"

Currently, Fenz is working on Portraits of Elias Canetti and Karl Kraus for a future SONDERZAHL Book-Publication, and will be participating in Fanzineist Vienna 2024.


Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair

- International Art Book & Zine Exhibition, Semperdepot, Vienna; 10 -12 May 2024


Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair

- International Art Book & Zine Exhibition, Semperdepot, Vienna; May 2023

Byte-sized Bits of Bot-itude

A very elaborate Joke
- selfpublished Zine about ChatGPT


Frontispiece & Book-Illustrations

- 5 Artworks have been published in two books about the author Franz Schuh:
"Vom Guten, Wahren und Schlechten" and "Schönheit, Ambition und Einsamkeit"
hg. v. Bernhard Kraller, Sonderzahl Verlag - Vienna; April 2022


Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair

- "Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair Online Edition“; Hall 1, July -August ; fanzineist.com 2021

Solo exhibition

Eva Fenz "Unset in Stone", Nelkengasse 8, Lokal 2, Vienna; May - June 2021

Group exhibition

Boun exhibition, Bogazici University, Istanbul (TR), January 2021


Eva Fenz | Visual Art | Austria
Vienna / Weissensee


Book- Illustrations